

美国教育部(ED)规定,学生必须注册 一个获得联邦财政援助的学位寻求项目. 资金只会被支付 为完成学习计划所需的课程. Federal financial 援助 (Pell grants, FSEOG grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Service 奖,  Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized and PLUS 贷款 will be adjusted if a student is not registered in enough credits(s) that apply to their officially declared program of 研究. 学生应仔细计划,并确保他们的注册符合 他们的学位课程要求.

2024年秋季生效, students enrolling in courses that are not required to complete their officially declared degree could see their financial 援助 reduced and/or cancelled as required 由美国教育部颁发.

要获得联邦资助来支付你的专业课程,它必须是你课程的一部分 学习计划(CPOS)或必要的帮助你获得所需的总学时 完成你的学位. 对于那些依靠联邦资助进入博天堂官方的学生,不付钱 attention to this rule could affect your full-time enrollment status and ultimately 你的助学金. 


Taking classes that are not 在你的课程学习计划中 for your officially declared 专业可能会导致你的整体经济援助奖励减少.  Making sure the courses you are taking are required for your program of 研究 will 确保你在有限的贷款下尽快毕业. 

珍惜时间! -利用你的学术顾问 

As a student, academic advisors are available to you to assist with discussing your short-term and long-term educational goals, the best degree fit for you at UNC, and planning your courses each term to help you complete your declared degree as efficiently 尽可能有效地. 


It is essential that your major is officially declared and noted in your student record. If you have been planning to declare or change your major, but have not yet done so, 你应该立即咨询你的学术顾问. 

Courses can only be determined to be 符合条件的 based on the officially declared major 你的学生记录上有记录. 更改不能追溯,而且大多数更改 will not be approved once a determination is made that a course is not financial 援助 符合条件的. 


经济援助奖是建立在本科生愿意学习的假设基础上的 enroll full-time and graduate students will enroll half-time in 符合条件的 coursework 在秋季和春季学期. 任何与上述假设不同的入学水平 是否可以重新计算助学金. 然而,在很多情况下,一个学生 can enroll in less than the assumed hours listed above and still receive financial 援助.


Remember that repeating the same course multiple times, dropping or not attending your 课程可能会对您当前和/或未来获得援助的资格产生负面影响. It is important that you discuss your 课程学习计划 with your advisor when 你每学期都注册. 如果你的学位课程没有在UNC系统中正确列出 (班纳),和你的导师一起工作,让他们知道你的要求.   

联系 your academic advisor to discuss options if your federal financial 援助 has been reduced due to enrollment in courses that do not apply towards outstanding 需求 在你的课程学习计划中. 


Courses can only be determined to be 符合条件的 based on the officially declared program 在学生记录上记录的学习情况. 对于学生来说,选择……是很重要的 use other courses in lieu of the prescribed curriculum outlined in UNC's UG and/or GR catalogs to have their advisor(s) submit course adjustments (substitutions, force 完成/豁免, etc) to their respective advisee(s) program of 研究 (major/minor/certificate/licensure) 需求. 


Financial 援助 is initially awarded based on the assumption that undergraduate students will enroll full-time and graduate students will enroll half-time in 符合条件的 coursework 在秋季和春季学期. 只有成绩优秀的学生才能获得联邦资助 计入其正式宣布的学习计划的课程. 制度、 当涉及到CPOS要求时,国家和私人援助要求可能会有所不同. 请 check with the 财政援助办公室 to ensure you are meeting all 需求 为资金. 逃课,多次重复同一门课或者不参加你的 课程可能会对您当前和/或未来获得援助的资格产生负面影响. 







3 / 4时间 









If your federal financial 援助 has been reduced due to enrollment in coursework that does not apply towards outstanding 需求 in your program of 研究, you should 联系你的学术顾问讨论你的学术选择. 否则,如果你 有博天堂官方网站财政援助的问题,请联系财政援助 ofa@ycdwkj666.com.


  • 如果你有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金,并在12小时内注册,只有9小时 the 12 hours are required towards your officially declared program of 研究, the Federal 佩尔助学金将减少为基于9小时的奖励. 
  • Federal Direct 贷款 require 6 hours of enrollment for all undergraduate students 研究生入学时间为5小时. 如果你注册了6个小时 只有3个 the 6 hours are required for your program of 研究, you are not 符合条件的 to receive 联邦直接贷款. 


  •  科罗拉多机会基金(COF)津贴是否受到影响?


  • 如果我想选一门与学位无关的课程怎么办? 

    你仍然可以这样做. 你有机会继续获得全额经济资助 通过注册至少12个必修学分作为本科或五个必修学分 毕业学分. 通过满足所需的学分,你可以自信地追求 你的学术目标和兴趣不会影响你的资助.  探索户外课程 of your program 需求 may reduce your financial 援助 support if your required courses are below 12 credits for the term undergraduate or five credits at the graduate 水平. 

  •  As an undergraduate student, what if a take an extra course(s) outside of my degree 至少是全日制的援助项目?

    Taking extra courses outside your 学位课程 to maintain full-time status for 援助目的是一种选择. 但是,请记住 Federal Financial 援助 including Pell, FSEOG, Iraq/Afghanistan 奖 and Federal Direct 贷款 for undergraduate students will only recognize the courses required for your 学位课程. 对于所有其他援助项目,满足项目入学标准是至关重要的. If you're unsure about these 需求, please reach out to the Office of Financial 援助. 此外,请记住有最大数量的学分/时间框架,其中 学生可以获得大部分经济援助.  参加非必修课程可能会 通过经济援助来影响你完成学位的能力.  

  •  As a graduate student, what if a take an extra course(s) outside of my 学位课程 至少有一半的时间用于援助目的? 

    Taking extra courses outside your 学位课程 to maintain half-time status for 某些援助目的是一种选择. 但是,请记住 Federal 金融援助 Direct 贷款 for graduate students will only recognize the courses 学位课程所要求的. 对于所有其他援助项目,满足项目入学标准是至关重要的. If you're unsure about these 需求, please reach out to the Office of Financial 援助. 此外,请记住有最大数量的学分/时间框架,其中 学生可以获得大部分经济援助.  参加非必修课程可能会 通过经济援助来影响你完成学位的能力.  

  • What if I make a mistake and register for a course that does not meet 需求?

    After registration, the 金融援助 Office will begin reviewing enrollment and will let you know if a course for which you registered cannot be used to determine your 援助的资格. 在新学期开始之前,你有时间放弃那门课 在原来的地方再加一个. 然而,最终你有责任确保 you are enrolled in courses that are required for your degree and the number of credit 您收到的联邦援助项目资金的时间.

    学生也可以在“未计算”标题下的“学位检查”中找到答案 如果一个特定的课程(s)将不符合经济援助资格.

  • 如果我在以后的学期改变我的课程怎么办?

    财政援助不能追溯调整以前的条款. 学生可更改学位 未来学期所需的课程. CPOS进程只查看声明的程序 对于每一项.

  • 证书如何与CPOS一起工作?

    独立的证书课程目前没有资格获得援助. 如果课程 taken are also required for a declared degree, those required course may count for 学生学位项目资助.  此外,如果这些课程可以算作是必要的  和必修课一样,它们也可以用于援助目的. 另外,如果这些 courses are taken on top 12 required credits, they would not impede the student receiving 完整的援助.

  • 邮差会受到怎样的影响?

    A degree-seeking post-bac will not be affected so long as courses taken are within 他们宣布的学习计划.


  • 学生还能修双学位吗?

    可以,但是两个专业都必须申报,而且所有修过的课程都必须用于他们的专业 完成程度.

  • 我可以重修CPOS课程吗?

    如果你的项目仍然需要这门课程,它是可以被允许的. 请注意, 美国.S. 教育部规定一门课被复读时可以包括在内 determining the student’s enrollment status for financial 援助, if it is not the result of 1) more than one repetition of a previously passed course, or 2) any repetition 之前失败的课程,如果后来 .