

Employees Recognized During Appreciation Week

UNC employees were honored during this year's Employee Appreciation Week. 这个一年一度的 event recognizes and celebrates everyone who makes UNC a special place.

University of Northern Colorado employees were honored during this year's Employee Appreciation Week, which took place from March 1 to 5. 这个年度活动旨在 and celebrates everyone who makes UNC a special place. 

View the notes of gratitude shared that thanked individuals and areas of campus this year.

Employees who were nominated, retirees and Years of Service milestones are recognized below. The Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC)'s Employee of the Year is 罗莎法律, director of the Monfort College of 业务' Advising Center, and Classified Staff Council (CSC)'s Employee of the Year is Ilissa亚历山大, assistant director of Recruitment Systems. 

上图: 罗莎法律, director of the Monfort College of 业务' Advising Center, was recognized as the PASC Employee of the Year.


上图: Ilissa亚历山大, assistant director of Recruitment Systems, was
recognized as the CSC Employee of the Year. 

  • Classified Employee of the Year: Ilissa亚历山大

    ILISSA亚历山大Ilissa亚历山大, assistant director of Recruitment Systems

    Alexander received two nominations from immediate and partner colleagues on campus. 在评论中 共享包括:

    “Ilissa has dedicated years to UNC and this year she held the Office of 博天堂官方 在一起. From getting tasks done to leading conversations, Ilissa was someone who 每个人都可以指望. She didn't see herself as a leader but she never left anyone 后面.”

    “Ilissa is the hardest working individual I have ever met! 她总是高高在上 and beyond to make sure her team, the Office of 博天堂官方, 还有大学 is 支持. She puts in late nights and early mornings to ensure the CRM system so many of us rely on for our daily tasks is up and running. She doesn't expect recognition for the amazing work she does, and that is why she is so deserving of this award. She is the type of person any co-worker, boss, or institution would be lucky to have 在团队中.”

  • Professional Employee of the Year: 罗莎法律

    罗莎法律罗莎法律, director of the Advising Center in the Monfort College of 业务

    Law received six nominations for the PASC employee of the year. 在评论中 共享包括:

    “To say that Rosa goes above and beyond in her job duties is an understatement. She has immense dedication to her job and the University. 作为顾问的主管 MCB, Rosa oversees all operations of the MCB Advising Center, advises a large caseload of current 业务 and Software Engineering majors as well as works with each transfer student and Aims2UNC student entering a business major. 她参与了外展活动 to struggling students and those on academic probation, creates programming to help all students, and keeps track of all of this in advising software programs. 在 her day, she finds ways to personally connect with each student and remembers crucial 他们生活的细节. When it comes to students, Rosa is a strong advocate with 巨大的心. Students come first in her world.”

    “Rosa exemplifies everything it means to be student-first at UNC. 她一直 goes above and beyond when working with students in meeting their academic and professional goals. I've come to know Rosa better over the past couple of years as advisors from across campus have come 在一起 to share knowledge and processes. 罗莎是一致的 willingness to put students first and collaborate with her colleagues makes her an excellent nominee for this award.”

The event celebrated the milestone Years of Service for staff awardees.

  • 退休人员
    • 海伦里德
    • 戴安娜Algiene-Henry
    • 德代尔
    • 大卫Nalley
    • 尤金·希恩
    • 珍妮•沃克
    • Lori球
    • 特蕾莎巷
    • 密涅瓦削弱
    • 科琳斯图尔特
    • 黛博拉施普林格
    • 山沃特金斯
    • 约翰·戈德曼
    • 帕特里夏·克利里
    • 特蕾莎修女日本雪松
    • 戴安娜摩尔
    • 罗伯塔Oschner
    • Cateline卡宾
    • 汤姆Giggy
    • 特蕾莎斯蒂尔
    • 肯盖乐葛斯
    • 南希·贝克尔
    • 黛布拉金泽
    • 帕特里夏·查普曼
    • 约翰Vestecka
    • 蒂姆·莉莉
    • 阿林粘土
    • 黛安奈特
    • 辛迪·布德
    • 多吃
    • 克雷格·克利夫兰
    • Luvina Lozano
    • 布伦达希尔曼
    • 过Roel
    • 迈克尔·奥黑尔
    • 桑迪华纳
    • 海蒂Swanson
    • 苏珊Wehrenberg
    • 迈克尔Schuch
  • 五年服务奖
    • 阿尔伯特·布里格斯
    • Allison格兰特
    • 安德里亚·托雷斯
    • 布拉德利帕克
    • 布赖森凯利
    • 乍得Pohja
    • Chelsie贝尔
    • 克里斯托弗·珀金斯
    • 院长马斯登
    • 德里克·赫伯特
    • 黛安·库尔
    • 道格拉斯·布拉西
    • 达斯汀·布朗
    • 伊丽莎白Gonzalez-Medina
    • 艾米丽·珀金斯
    • 海蒂罗梅罗
    • 詹妮弗敲门
    • 詹妮弗主要
    • Johana弗洛
    • 约翰Matero
    • 约旦预示
    • 约书亚·科尔布
    • 快乐安德鲁斯
    • 胡安·弗洛雷斯
    • 小君Hashiwaki
    • 卡特里娜琼斯
    • 凯蒂Mossberg
    • 肯Clavir
    • 坎德拉施耐德
    • 凯文·罗宾逊
    • Kimberli时钟
    • 克里斯汀•Gilderhus
    • 凯尔数学
    • 林赛韦格尔
    • 玛丽亚弗洛
    • 麦奇人员
    • 弥迦书查特
    • 尼古拉斯Kiggins
    • 妮可·莫尔斯
    • 诺玛华雷斯
    • Saenz Ofelia
    • 帕特里克•约翰逊
    • 丽贝卡·戴尔
    • 瑞娜戈麦斯
    • Rodolfo Vargas
    • 罗莎·克雷斯波·萨恩斯
    • 瑞安Pfeifer
    • Seferino Gurule
    • 苏珊Jewell-Klema
  • 十年服务奖
    • 卡尔Iwasaki
    • 赛Turnbeaugh
    • 克里斯蒂娜·巴恩斯
    • 柯蒂斯·本顿
    • 丹尼尔Satriana
    • 道格拉斯·西科
    • Kellie-Ann戈雅
    • 丽莎·哈德逊
    • 玛格丽特McKeown-Kelley
    • 马文Somero
    • 马修Goetzel
    • 阿切尔Mellany
    • 奎因Ehrman
    • 蕾妮Gilkey
    • 肖恩·梅纳德
    • Shonna Ulibarri
    • 苏珊·惠勒
    • 蒂芙尼彭德尔顿
    • 蒂芙尼木
    • 托德Snizek
    • 特洛伊拉森
    • 维多利亚上
  • 15年服务奖
    • 艾莉森·斯蒂格·哈斯科特
    • 乍得里斯
    • Deidra Schaeffer
    • 伊迪丝Dolben
    • 堡加尔萨
    • 杰弗里Shrieves
    • 杰伊·丁格斯
    • 詹妮弗•贝克
    • 约翰·维塞尔
    • 约书亚Covelli
    • 裘德梅斯
    • 凯萨琳Crider
    • LaNae菲利普斯
    • 李·尼尔森
    • Leilani约翰逊
    • 露辛达奥格登
    • 玛格丽特·施耐德
    • 米歇尔Dezelick
    • 罗伯特·克伦
    • 雪莉弗莱
    • 雪莉Schriver
    • 文森特·卡特
  • 二十年服务奖
    • 布伦达Schuch
    • Bret原来
    • 卡罗管家
    • 利亚书店
    • 肖恩Herrera
    • 托拜厄斯古斯曼
  • 25年服务奖
    • 大卫权力
    • 爱德华·兰格
    • 马克Printz
    • 斯蒂芬妮·特蕾兹
  • 30年服务奖
    • 柯克Leichliter
    • 葆拉·穆尼奥斯
  • 四十年服务奖
    • 哈维粗鲁

Both classified and professional staff were honored for their contributions to students 还有大学.

  • Classified Employee of the Year Nominees
    • Ilissa亚历山大
    • 詹妮弗•贝克
    • 詹姆斯·查韦斯
    • 罗莎莉笨蛋
    • 桑迪Gelatt
    • 詹尼斯·霍伯
    • 戴安娜凯利
    • 罗伯•迈尔斯
    • 贾尼斯插销
    • 詹妮弗·罗德里格斯
    • 海蒂罗梅罗
    • 塞缪尔·萨拉查
    • 道格德
    • 蒂莫西·塔克
    • 苏珊·惠勒
  • Professional Employee of the Year Nominees
    • 梅根·鲍尔
    • 惠特尼邦纳
    • 文斯卡特
    • 莫妮卡科弗代尔
    • 斯科特·凯洛格
    • Lynette克里根
    • 贝瑞Kroeger
    • 罗莎法律
    • 黛比•米勒
    • 妮可·莫尔斯
    • 安·奥康纳
    • 罗伯特教区
    • 克里斯·珀金斯
    • 埃文Rattenborg
    • 南希Schindele
    • 谢丽尔的火花
