

美国手语系 & 《博天堂官方网站》致力于支持这一领域 of American Sign Language (美国手语) instruction and interpreting beyond just 学位. 阿斯利 lists the research, scholarship, and creative works (RSCW) of past and present faculty, 工作人员和贡献者. The names of 阿斯利 faculty, 工作人员和贡献者 is bolded.

2022年9月, eleven 阿斯利 leaders, faculty, staff members, and contributors from several 阿斯利 程序s and grant projects presented at the National 口译培训师会议. 阅读更多!


巴伦坦,P.M., & 巴伦坦,C. (2022). 结构空间与信息连贯. (会议演示) Colorado 聋人口译员登记处, Golden, CO.

巴伦坦,P.M., & 加勒特,B.D. (2022). 口译和美国手语教育中的薪酬公平 (会议演示). 翻译培训师会议,普鲁士国王, PA.

巴伦坦,P.M.加勒特.D., Faltinson,年代, & Stricklen, M. (2022). Enhancing language proficiency in today's interpreting student: A model of collaboration between a traditional two-year ITP and a four-year bachelor's degree interpreting 程序. (会议演示) 翻译培训师会议,普鲁士国王, PA.

巴伦坦,P.M., & 大厦,K. (2022). 科罗拉多州希望你成为一名聋人翻译! 聋人翻译论坛. (会议演示) Colorado 聋人口译员登记处, Golden, CO.

德克尔,K., & Hardesty,年代. (2022). UNC-IRIS项目:在美国农村开花 (会议演示). 翻译培训师会议,普鲁士国王, PA.

加勒特,B. D.吉拉丁,E. G.韦瑞克,W., & 费舍尔,C. (2022). The current status of 美国手语 English interpreting 程序s in the United States. (会议演示). 翻译培训师会议,普鲁士国王, PA.

Girardin E. G.斯坦,K., & 'Bleness阿,. (2022). Preparing school Interpreters (PSI) project: Redesigning educational interpreting 课程要反映跨学科的视角. (会议演示). 翻译培训师会议,普鲁士国王, PA.

Hardesty,年代.德克尔,K.威廉森,A.,West Oyedele, E. (2022). 反思博天堂官方攀登项目:经验教训 (会议演示). 翻译培训师会议,普鲁士国王, PA.

约翰逊,我.泰勒,M.M.希克,B., 布朗,年代., 支持,我., & Girardin E. (博天堂官方网站). Complexities in educational interpreting: A pattern of practice investigation (第二版). 艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿:口译综合.

Kroll,. & Girardin E.G. (2022). Timeless principles and changing times: An evolving perspective on the Entry-to-Practice 能力. (会议演示). 翻译培训师会议,普鲁士国王, PA.

莱弗勒,B.W.威尔曼,E.C.科恩,B.C.梅特卡夫,H.V., 巴伦坦,P.M., & 格林,一个.N. (2022). 解冻文学:旋转镜头. 美国手语与文学杂志. http://journalofasl.com/unfreezing-literature/

Witter-Merithew,.泰勒,M.M., 约翰逊,我., & Bonni E. (2022). Deaf language mntoring: Case studies, outcomes, and looking 向前. 在L. 斯瓦比和R. E. 鲱鱼(Eds.), 的见解 & Innovations in Signed Language Interpreting Pedagogy: Forty Years of the 口译培训师会议. 加劳德特大学出版社.


Note: The 2020 口译培训师会议 was canceled due to COVID. 会议 Presentation Abstracts of selected presentations and poster sessions are provided 下面. 

布朗,年代. & Spainhour,年代.Z. (2019年7月). NAIE: Professional guidelines for interpreting in an educational setting(会议演示). 聋人口译员登记处会议, 普罗维登斯,罗德岛.http://rid.org/class/naie-professional-guidelines-for-interpreting-in-an-educational-setting/

卡尔森,B., & Witter-Merithew,. (2005). Beacons of light in a sea of dreams: Celebrating the achievements & 我们的潜力 组织 (会议演示). 口译培训师会议.

Gamache K.E. Jr. (2018). Investigating the impact of 美国手语 proficiency levels on 美国手语-English interpretation (出版编号:11012623). [博士论文,加劳德特大学]. ProQuest.

加勒特,B. D. & Girardin E. G. (2018年11月). Comparing the 美国手语 competency of applicants: Readiness for 4-year 美国手语 English interpretation 程序入口. 翻译培训师会议,盐湖城,犹他州. http://cit-asl.org/proceedings/

加勒特,B.D. & Girardin E.G. (2019). American Sign Language competency: Comparing student readiness for entry into 四年口译学位课程. 国际口译教育杂志,11(1). http://cit-asl.org/american-sign-language-competency/

加勒特,B. D. & Girardin E. G. (2019年7月). Results of 美国手语 expressive competency research and its 影响 for interpreters 从事教育工作 (会议演示). 罗德州普罗维登斯市聋人口译员登记处 岛.http://rid.org/class/results-of-asl-expressive-competency-research/

加勒特,B.D., & Girardin E.G. (2020). Embracing the next generation of interpreters: A call to action for the Registry 为聋人提供口译服务, 《博天堂官方网站》,28(二)第二条. http://digitalcommons.unf.edu/joi/vol28/iss2/2 

加勒特,B.D.吉拉丁,E.G., & Weirick W. (2020). The current state of 美国手语-English interpreting 程序s: What do the numbers show?【博天堂官方网站】. 口译培训师会议,明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州. http://cit-asl.org/the-current-state-of-asl-english-interpreting-programs-what-do-the-numbers-show/

加勒特,B.D.克劳斯,L,布朗,S., & 巴伦坦,P. (2020). Colorado Rural Interpreting Service Project: Certification readiness training 【博天堂官方网站】. 口译培训师会议,明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州. http://cit-asl.org/colorado-rural-interpreting-service-project-certification-readiness-training/

Hardesty,年代. & 德克尔,K. (2020). CLIMBing in: Equity, inclusion and representation in legal interpreter education (Cultivating 少数族裔法律口译员) 【博天堂官方网站】. 口译培训师会议,明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州. http://cit-asl.org/climbing-in-equity-inclusion-and-representation-in-legal-interpreter-education/

约翰逊,我.J., 泰勒,米.M.希克,B., 布朗,年代., & 支持,我. (2015). Patterns of practice: Current research on K-12 interpreting (会议演示). 聋人口译员登记处.

约翰逊,我.J., 泰勒,米.M.希克,B., 布朗,年代., & 支持,我. (2018). Complexities in educational interpreting: An investigation into patterns of practice. 解释合并.

约翰逊,我.J., 泰勒,米.M., & Witter-Merithew,. (2007). 视频中继业务口译任务分析报告 (会议演示). 聋人口译员登记处.

约翰逊,我., & Witter-Merithew,. (2004). Interpreting skills acquired at a distance: Results of a data-driven study. Journal of Interpretation, 2004; 95-119. http://sites.google.com/site/ridpublicationsproject/home/journal-of-interpretation/joi-2004

卡夫公司(Multra Kraft).谢尔德,C.麦克米伦,V.波波夫., West Oyedele, E., & 威廉姆森,. (2020). Mentoring special populations: Seeking the essential elements 【博天堂官方网站】. 口译培训师会议,明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州. http://cit-asl.org/mentoring-special-populations/

罗素,D., 威廉姆森,., & 海耶斯,J. (2020). Transforming perspectives on interpreting in K-12 settings: Key learnings from an 干预研究 【博天堂官方网站】. 口译培训师会议,明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州. http://cit-asl.org/transforming-perspectives-on-interpreting-in-k-12-settings-key-learnings-from-an-intervention-study/

斯图尔特,K. (2018年11月). To accept or decline the assignment: Results from an early research study in Sign 口译员伦理决策 (海报展示). 翻译培训师会议,盐湖城,犹他州. http://cit-asl.org/proceedings/

斯图尔特,K.L. & 山,E. (2020). 可能或不可能的任务? ITP的种族平等 【博天堂官方网站】. 口译培训师会议,明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州. http://cit-asl.org/mission-possible-or-impossible-racial-equity-in-the-itp/

UNC-Distance Opportunities for Interpreter Training Center. (n.d.). Entry-to-Practice 能力 for 美国手语/English interpreters (手册). http://9ax7.ycdwkj666.com/cebs/asl-interpreting/pdf/scholarship/entry-to-practice-competencies.pdf

UNC-Distance Opportunities for Interpreter Training Center. (2005). 视频中继业务口译任务分析报告 [报告]. http://9ax7.ycdwkj666.com/cebs/asl-interpreting/pdf/scholarship/vrs-task-analysis-report.pdf

UNC-Distance Opportunities for Interpreter Training Center. (2007). K-12的立法趋势 (会议演示). 聋人口译员登记处.

UNC-Distance Opportunities for Interpreter Training Center. (2013). 在K-12设置注释书目解释. http://9ax7.ycdwkj666.com/cebs/asl-interpreting/pdf/grants/osep-project-2014/annotated_bibliography_final.pdf

威廉姆森,.C. (2020). Deaf students’ experience of engagement in a mediated education: It is what it is (出版编号:28257482). [博士论文,加劳德特大学]. ProQuest. http://www.proquest.com/docview/2469526867?pq-origsite = gscholar&fromopenview = true

Witter-Merithew,. (n.d.). Content mapping: A text 分析 and mnemonic tool for Interpreters (讲义). 北科罗拉多大学,EDI 124 / 131. http://9ax7.ycdwkj666.com/cebs/asl-interpreting/pdf/scholarship/content-mapping.pdf

Witter-Merithew,. (n.d.). Understanding the meaning of texts and reinforcing foundation skills through discourse 分析. (会议论文集). 聋人口译员登记处,2001年,佛罗里达州奥兰多. (2002年原作出版). http://9ax7.ycdwkj666.com/cebs/asl-interpreting/pdf/scholarship/meaning-of-texts.pdf

Witter-Merithew,. (2001). Feedback: A conversation about ‘the work’ between learners and colleagues [Class 讲义). 北科罗拉多大学. http://9ax7.ycdwkj666.com/cebs/asl-interpreting/pdf/scholarship/feedback-conversation-about-the-work.pdf

Witter-Merithew,. (客人). (2012年11月15日). 《博天堂官方》(主持人. 柯南) 手语:不仅仅是手的问题[电台广播集]. http://www.npr.org/2012/11/15/165218742/sign-language-its-not-just-about-the-hands

Witter-Merithew,. & 约翰逊,我. (2005). Toward Competent Practice: Conversations with Stakeholders. 聋人口译员登记处.

Witter-Merithew,. & 约翰逊,我. (2005). Toward Competent Practice: Conversations with Stakeholders (会议演示). 聋人口译员登记处.

Witter-Merithew,. & 约翰逊,我. (2007). Curricular trends in baccalaureate level interpreter education (会议演示). 聋人口译员登记处.

Witter-Merithew,.泰勒,M., & 约翰逊,我. (2001). Guided self-assessment and professional development planning: A model applied to interpreters 在教育环境中 (会议论文集). 聋人口译员登记处,2001年,佛罗里达州奥兰多. http://9ax7.ycdwkj666.com/cebs/asl-interpreting/pdf/scholarship/guided-self-assessment-educational.pdf

Witter-Merithew,., & 约翰逊,我. (2004). Market disorder within the field of sign language interpreting: Professionalization 影响. Journal of Interpretation, 2004; 95-119. http://sites.google.com/site/ridpublicationsproject/home/journal-of-interpretation/joi-2004

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