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Budgeting For Access

When planning events—meetings, conferences, roundtables, seminars, etc.—there are 为确保残疾和聋人与会者提供必要的住宿 have complete access to the venue and the event’s presentations and materials. Although 许多修改和住宿几乎没有成本,有些住宿 do. This tip sheet is designed to provide you with information and cost estimates 因此,您可以将这些考虑纳入资助提案和预算 your event. Including accurate estimates for common meeting expenses and specific 在你的预算中,残疾人住宿项目对履行你的义务至关重要 并为残疾人士和聋人与会者创造一个友好的环境.  

*For a downloadable version, Please click HERE
  • Estimating Venue-Specific Expenses 

    可访问事件的预算将包括预算中存在的行项目 大多数活动,如房间租金和视听教具,但某些费用将 need to be calculated differently. For all of the items and accommodations listed below, check prices with your venue in advance. 

  • Audio-Visual Aids

    演讲者和他们的演讲需要很容易被看到和听到,以确保这一点 all attendees have the same access to the information being shared.

    麦克风可以确保每个人,特别是那些听力有问题的人 使用辅助听力设备,可以听到在您的活动中呈现的信息. 此外,麦克风确保美国手语(ASL)翻译可以 dedicate their full attention to interpretation without straining to hear. The number 你的活动需要多少麦克风取决于房间的大小和形式 of the event. At a minimum, you should budget for one to be used by the speakers and 当有讨论或问答时,供观众使用. 虽然麦克风的成本因场地而异,但平均而言 cost per wireless microphone varies from $150 to $300. In addition, if using microphones, 您将为音响系统支付额外费用(费用可能会有所不同) 广泛取决于所需设备的数量和所使用设备的质量) and, possibly, tech support.

    三脚架屏幕通常用于展示PowerPoint演示文稿,视频, or broadcasts of the event. Multiple screens may be needed to ensure that all attendees—especially 那些行动不便、聋哑或重听的坐轮椅的人 attendees who rely heavily on sight—have a clear line of sight. These screens can 从每天150美元的5英寸X 5英寸屏幕(不包括投影仪)到100美元不等 $1,350 per day for a 7.5’ X 10’ screen (including projector).

    管状和垂状背景——一种典型的纯色织物,用于创建背景 如果您的事件的重要部分正在发生,应该考虑到一个阶段 on a stage with extremely busy walls behind it (i.e., patterned or decorated with bright colors). Busy walls can be distractions for Deaf individuals and can cause eyestrain. Average cost for draping is $165 per panel, but the cost is heavily dependent on the venue and will vary depending upon how many panels you need.   

  • Service animals need a designated relief area

    服务性动物救济区:服务性动物帮助各种残疾人士, including sensory and mobility limitations. Because you cannot ask participants if 他们将与服务性动物一起旅行,你需要主动确保这一点 在场地的财产上有一个指定的服务动物救济区 event. This can be a grassy area that exists already (in which case there should be 不收费),或者场地可能需要创建一个空间(在这种情况下,您可能会招致罚款 charge). You will need to work closely with the university to determine where the space will be. Additionally, you will need to advertise the location of the service animal relief area in your program and materials, and with appropriate signage. 

Various froms of Accessibility.

Budgeting for Individual Accommodations

一些最常见的个人住宿包括美国手语翻译,材料 in electronic format, materials in large print, and CART,. Creating a standard set 你总是在你的活动预算中建立的住宿会给你更多 flexibility. For example, you may not always have requests for both CART and an interpreter 在同样的事件中,但把这些钱放在一边让你有能力吸收 不可预见的费用或根据需要将这笔钱重新分配给其他要求或费用.

  • ASL Interpreters

    Qualified ASL interpreters provide translation between ASL and spoken English. ASL 有自己的语法和句子结构,是聋哑人使用的主要语言 individuals. The average cost for an ASL interpreter is between $80 and $105 per hour, many services have a 2-hour minimum. For interpreting jobs that are more than 1 and 至少需要两名口译员进行半小时的团队口译.

  • Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDIs)

    认证聋人口译员(cdi)是指耳聋或听力有障碍的人 已获聋人传译员注册处核证为传译员的人士. cdi可能接受过手势、哑剧、道具、绘画和其他工具方面的专门培训. 当听力正常的口译员不能满足聋人与会者的要求时,可能需要CDI communication needs. The average cost for a CDI is between $75 and $95 per hour.

  • Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART)

    通信访问实时翻译(CART)是即时的,逐字翻译 translation of spoken language into text which is displayed in various forms. English text is produced with less than a two-second delay. An accommodation for a variety 对于残疾人,CART编写者将听到的内容转录成可以显示的文本 在供个人使用的电脑屏幕上或供全体观众使用的更大的显示器上. CART服务的费用各不相同,但平均而言,CART通常按分钟收费 and runs between $90 and $150 per hour.  

  • Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)

    A敏感听力设备(ald)帮助人们区分他们想要的声音 hear from background noise and are available for personal and group use. Some ALDs 是否设计用于助听器或人工耳蜗植入,而其他设计 to be used alone.

    Personal ALDs 有单独的音调和音量控制,可以配置为工作超过 one speaker. The most common devices are wired, like the Pocket Talker. Similar in purpose is the wireless—and more flexible—Personal Frequency Modulation System. Event 如果个人没有这些物品,组织者可以购买或租用这些物品. The purchase cost ranges from $200 to $800.

    Group ALDs are preferable when there are several people with hearing loss in a group. The primary 优点是许多人可以从这些系统中受益,尽管它们是 expensive and not as portable as single-user devices. Costs for group ALDs range from $500 to $1800 depending upon the number of receivers, headphones, etc.

  • Material in Alternate Formats

    失明或视力低下的人,有认知障碍的人, 其他人可能需要你提供的材料作为替代 formats.

    Large Print 定义为打印尺寸至少为16点,并可容纳 people with low vision. Large print can be done inhouse by changing the font of the 提供的文件或可能外包的文件,在这种情况下,费用会有所不同. 在内部创建大型打印文档时,成本将包括员工时间和费用 任何需要的特殊材料,例如比标准尺寸大的纸. 

    如果你收到要求用大号字体打印材料的要求,一定要让残疾人知道 资源中心知道,这样他们就可以创建菜单和其他大字体的材料.

Additional Resources

U.S. Department of Justice > ADA Home Page > www.ada.gov 
Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act

ADA National Network > www.adata.org 

Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) >www.ataporg.org 
Resource on and link to Assistive Technology Programs in Your State 

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