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My UNC Mobile App to Improve Student Experience

Nueva aplicación My UNC Mobile mejorará la experiencia estudiantil

With this technological update, the new My UNC mobile app offers a better digital 通过增强的功能,确保UNC社区获得充分的信息.

The University of Northern Colorado (UNC) is excited to launch a new and improved My UNC mobile app, which will replace the older UNC Mobile app on June 30. This change 标志着一项更广泛的努力的开始,以现代化和精简大学的 为学生、教职员工提供数字资源和UNC的企业资源环境.  

Wade Bumgarner,企业系统和技术经验和项目主管 新应用程序的经理分享说,新的和改进的我的UNC移动应用程序是更多的 than just an updated version of its predecessor. Unlike the first-generation app, 它主要是菜单驱动的,需要多次点击才能访问不同的功能, the new app reduces complexity and enhances user engagement.  

“过去,学生们主要使用旧的应用程序来查看课程安排和成绩。” said Bumgarner. "However, usage tended to drop off significantly after the first few weeks of the semester. With the new app, we hope to keep students engaged throughout the semester by adding more integrated and useful features."

 "The new app will significantly improve efficiency, especially during events like new student orientation,"

–Wade Bumgarner

用户将发现与以前的应用程序相同的数据和功能,但有新的创新 and personalized features, including:

  • 个性化仪表板:定制您的仪表板,以便快速访问基本信息 and resources.
  • Interactive Campus Maps: Navigate campus easily with detailed maps and searchable locations.
  • 统一日历:统一日历提供对UNC事件的一键访问 and Athletics events. An Events and Activities card provides access to BearConnect, Arts Calendar, UNC Ticket Office, and UNITE series.
  • Engaging Experience: Stay connected with campus events and activities tailored to your interests.  

在接下来的两年里,学校还将进行更多的重大改进 例如整合大学的Ursa门户网站的功能,并最终将 replace Ursa on both the My UNC app and on my.ycdwkj666.com. 

As of June 30, the older UNC Mobile app will be completely obsolete. Students and faculty are encouraged to download the new My UNC app as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition.  

“我们的主要目标之一是确保学生不会对这一变化措手不及 when they return for the new semester," said Bumgarner. "We are putting in substantial effortss to promote the app and ensure everyone is prepared." 

我的UNC应用程序最令人期待的功能之一是直接集成 UNC’s student information systems (Canvas). This will eventually allow students to 直接从应用程序执行课程注册等任务,消除了这种需求 for a computer. 

"The new app will significantly improve efficiency, especially during events like new student orientation," said Bumgarner. "We want to provide a comprehensive tool that meets all student needs." 

This project, backed by a $1.2 million grant from the state, involves migrating to a more modern platform, Ellucian SaaS, which will be completed by October 2025. 

为了确保应用程序的发展能够满足用户的需求,鲍姆加纳的团队正在使用谷歌分析 to see how students interact with the app. This information will be used to analyze and address student and non-student needs to refine the app's functionalities. 

"We are also going to rely on feedback from the campus community," said Bumgarner. “我们的目标是基于真实的用户交互和需求不断改进应用程序. 在校园合作伙伴的帮助下,我们不断寻找改进其功能的方法, always with the students in mind." 

The transition to the My UNC app is part of UNC's strategic move toward a unified digital experience. With the integration of various platforms and the addition of 新功能,该应用程序旨在成为所有大学相关活动的中心枢纽. With the integration of various platforms and the addition of new functionalities, the app aims to be a central hub for all university activities. 

"We're excited about the potential of the My UNC app to transform how our community interacts with university services," said Bumgarner. "This is just the beginning, 我们期待推出更多的功能,让每个人的生活都更轻松 at UNC." 

Get the iOS app  

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