
A row of blue 和 gold banners hanging on outdoor light pole with UNC name 和 Bear logo on them.


A balanced budget, a positive fall enrollment outlook 和 momentum from key successes over the past year top the agenda for the last Board of Trustees meeting of the year.

One of the highlights on the lengthy agenda for the June 14 University of 北ern Colorado Board of Trustees meeting was President Andy Feinstein’s update on the university’s 十年战略计划; 划船,不要漂流. Launched in 2020, the university is wrapping up the second of five phases of the plan 这个月底,庆祝一长串的成就. 

Among the achievements Feinstein highlighted is the development of the public-facing 策略计划进度报告 that provides updates on each key action item in the plan, the continued prioritization of competitive compensation for faculty 和 staff as this year marks the sixth pay 在三年内增加, 为拟议中的骨科医学院提供必要的资金 大学的 指定为西班牙裔服务机构(HSI).  

Identified as a key action in 战略计划, university leadership launched a 综合五年计划 目标是在2025年秋季之前获得恒生指数. 大学 今年3月,该公司获得了美国联邦政府的认可.S. 部门 比原计划提前了整整18个月.  

“This recognition marks a significant milestone in one of UNC’s top strategic priorities, 这也是我上任以来的首要任务之一。. 这个称呼是一致的 with our commitment to put students first 和 create an inclusive environment where 所有人都感到受欢迎和支持.” 

Feinstein also noted that the introduction last year of two pivotal university initiatives aligned with the university’s efforts on two related key actions, developing 和 implementing a 战略博天堂官方管理(SEM)计划 确保博天堂官方成为“学生至上”的大学. 

根据范斯坦的说法 第一年入学保证 which guarantees admission to the university for eligible Colorado high school students, 和 北卡大学学费承诺, which covers st和ard tuition 和 m和atory fees to eligible incoming 和 continuing undergraduate Colorado students, were instrumental in demonstrating the university’s commitment to eliminating barriers 和 providing students with an affordable path 获得学位. 

“的se two initiatives are a strong signal that equitable access 和 success are 这是博天堂官方学生体验的核心,”范斯坦说. 

Following Feinstein’s update on Phase II, Kirsten Fleming, provost 和 executive vice president for Academic Affairs, provided an overview of possible priorities developed through broad engagement as the university enters Phase III, the next two-year phase of 战略计划. 弗莱明说,她预计优先事项将最终确定 over the summer, focusing on identifying actions 和 tactics that build on the progress made in the previous two phases that also position the university to realize the vision, 确定2030年的成果和指标. 


Dale 普拉特, vice president of Finance 和 Administration, submitted a balanced fiscal year 2024-25 (FY25) budget to the board, highlighting a healthy cash balance projected at $70.今年年底的预算为100万美元,略低于70美元.预计900万 对于FY24. 受托人批准了预算,其中包括209美元.净收入800万美元, $207.700万美元的业务支出.  

的 new budget is a marked contrast to the current FY24 budget as early forecasts 预计到本财政年度结束时将出现600万美元的经营亏损. 然而,由于 2美元的收据.800万美元的意外收入来自石油和天然气特许权使用费 the efforts of the campus community to respond early to the projected FY24 shortfall, 联合国军司令部将在24财年结束时取得约60万美元的积极成果. 

“的 improvement is due to the hard work of everyone in our university community to manage resources responsibly while also investing in our strategic priorities,” said 普拉特.  “This was a lot of hard work 和 we’re grateful for the input across our campus, 包括预算咨询委员会.” 

According to 普拉特, key drivers of the university’s favorable financial position heading 到25财年包括预计的0.本科入学人数增加了7% the FY24 forecast 和 successful collective lobbying efforts of statewide higher 其中博天堂官方将获得6900万美元的资助.900万(增长9%) 从上一财政年度开始. 

的 FY25 budget also includes increases of 3% for undergraduate resident tuition 和 本科生非居民学费、研究生学费和学杂费的4%. 的最大 increase for a full-time, resident undergraduate student will be $372 per year before 申请任何经济援助. 然而,预计大多数博天堂官方的学生 will see either no out-of-pocket increase or an increase that is a fraction of that 总的来说,因为大多数人都得到了一些经济援助. 

普拉特 said that the FY25 budget is far more aligned to strategic institutional priorities than it has been in previous years 和 expressed his confidence the institution is 为未来做好准备.  

“In the coming year, we will continue to prioritize maintaining financial stability by aligning revenues with expenses, directing adequate funding to address critical 资源需求和关注我们的长期优先事项,”普拉特说. 


  • Heard a fall 2024 enrollment update from Pete Lien, associate vice president of Enrollment 服务. 连恩告诉董事会 while it's still early 和 despite FAFSA delays, the university is currently exceeding its goal (1,327) for the number of new, first-time students who have confirmed for 下跌(1347).  
  • 向三位即将离任的董事会成员致谢. 受托人 rolling off the board include Trustee Patricia Barela Rivera, Student Trustee Jazmin 马丁内斯和教职员安吉拉·沃恩. 
  • 批准黄山更名. 埃文斯舞厅在大学中心到山. 蓝色的天空 舞厅. 这一变化与美国政府2023年秋季的决定一致.S. 地质调查局 地名委员会将科罗拉多的埃文斯山改名为蓝天山. 的 这一决定是由一项向美国政府提出的建议促成的.S.G.S. 来自波利斯州长. 山 Evans was named after Colorado’s territorial governor John Evans who was forced out of office for his role in the 1864 S和 Cree Massacre, which killed more than 230 夏安人和阿拉帕霍人. 
  • 认可的各院系 名誉晋升和终身任职建议. 
  • 批准了 26财年国家基本建设计划 which includes a list of capital construction 和 controlled maintenance priorities 在接下来的五年里. 计划中的项目被确定并确定了优先级 去年秋天通过了学校的资本规划程序. 
  • Approved a resolution to sell real property that includes eight single-family university-owned 10号附近的住宅th 大街. 22之间nd 街与23号rd 街. 这些房屋已被确定为未充分利用的资产,大学 没有可预见的需要. 这些房产目前的价值为2美元.400万年. 


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