

北科罗拉多大学 parking lots are enforced year round. 

违例120:更改临时许可证  Forging or altering a temporary parking permit $60.00
违例121:伪造/变造许可证  Forging or altering a parking permit or using such permit. 违反者将受到处罚 到刑事处罚. Also, in accordance with UNC Code of Conduct, notification will be made as applicable to Dean of 学生s regarding UNC student subjects and to Human 资源 &/or the supervisor of UNC employee subjects. $260.00
违规122:不合格的许可证  Obtaining or attempting to obtain a parking permit or parking privileges for which 申请人不符合资格. Violators may also be subject 到刑事处罚. $60.00
违规123:消防通道  Parking in a fire lane or obstructing a fire lane or building exit door. $160.00
违例124:移除路障  Removing or attempting to remove any temporary barricade or other regulatory signs. 违反者将受到处罚 到刑事处罚. $60.00
违例125:违反路障  Parking in violation of barricades, cones and/or cement parking blocks. $60.00
违规126:轮椅空间  Parking in an ADA space without a state issued ADA placard or license plate. 《博天堂官方网站》 placard must be properly displayed and registered to the driver of 车辆 being 停. $160.00
Violation 127: OBSTRUCT WHEELCHAIR ACCESS  Parking in a manner as to obstruct a disabled access.  $60.00
违例128:许可证遗失/被盗  Parking a vehicle displaying a permit not issued to 车辆 driver or using a 许可证丢失或被盗. $260.00
违例131:不服从执法  Failing to heed lawful directions of a University Police 官 or a Parking Services 官. Violators may also be subject 到刑事处罚. $60.00
违例132:妨碍交通  Stopping, standing or parking in such a manner that a vehicle obstructs pedestrian 车辆交通. $60.00
Violation 133: PARKED ON LAWN/CURB/SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH  Parking a motorized vehicle on the lawn, curb, shoulder, lot divider, sidewalk, bike path or on piles of snow or other materials. 把机动车停在这样的物品上 as this can cause a safety hazard to pedestrians, buildings and other vehicles in the area as parking brakes can fail to hold. 雪 & 冰会融化,堆积成堆的物质也会融化 can become unstable without notice, causing a potentially hazardous situation with 车辆.  $60.00
违例135:禁止停车 在禁止停车区内停车.  $60.00
Violation 136: VIOLATION OF REGULATORY SIGN Parking in violation of any regulatory sign. $60.00
违例137:遗弃车辆  Abandoning and/or storing a vehicle on campus without permission from Parking Services. Any vehicle without valid license plates and/or a current permit will be considered an abandoned vehicle, and is subject to impoundment. $60.00
违规138:服务驱动器/空间  Parking in a service drive or service vehicle space.  $60.00
违例140:不当展示  Failing to display a current 北科罗拉多大学 parking permit properly. $40.00
违例141:阻塞人行横道  Obstructing a crosswalk or sidewalk with any part of 车辆, in violation of ADA的指导方针. $40.00
违例143:限制空间/地段  Parking in a restricted space or lot without displaying the current University of 北科罗拉多需要许可证 $40.00
违例144:加班/许可  Overtime parking in violation of posted or permit limits. 可以开出第二张罚单 after two (2) hours of the first ticket. Vehicles may not be moved to a different space in the same area to circumvent ticket issuance or to extend time beyond the 上传限制 $30.00
违规145:未完全失速  Failing to park wholly within the boundaries of a parking space. 车辆被认为是 outside the stall boundaries when a full tire or a significant portion of 车辆 is impeding into either traffic, or another parking stall. 其他停车不当 vehicles nearby does not constitute an excuse for improper parking. $40.00
违例146:距离路缘超过12英寸  Failing to park within twelve (12) inches of the curb where parallel parking is required. $40.00
违规147: 双排停车 双排停车. 双排停车 means standing or parking a vehicle on the roadway side of a vehicle already stopped, standing or 停 at the curb. $40.00
违例148:仪表失灵  Parking vehicle at a malfunctioning or "Out of Order" metered space. 第二个引证 can be issued after two (2) hours of the first ticket. $40.00
违例149:加班计时器  超时停车在收费车位. 第二个引证 can be issued after two (2) hours 第一个引用. $40.00
违规150:启动费用 启动费用. $85.00
Violation 151: 4-WHEELED VEHICLE IN MC AREA  Parking any vehicle with four or more wheels in a motorcycle area. $40.00
Violation 153: PARKED IN EV SPACE NOT ACTIVELY CHARGING Parking a vehicle in a designated LEFE/EV charging station space while not actively 给车辆充电. Vehicles 停 in a LEFE/EV space must be LEFE/EV vehicles 积极充电. $40.00


我们提供提前付款的折扣. If a citation fine is paid within ten calendar days of the date the citation was issued, then the ticket is eligible to a $10 discount 很好.

Under particular circumstances it might be possible for a citation fine to be reduced or dismissed, but only if discussion occurs within ten calendar days from citation issuance and criteria for amendment are met.

信息 about paying citations online.


To discuss a citation, you may come into the office as well as call or email us as early as the next business day after you receive the citation. 如果你带了引文 to the 博天堂官方停车服务 office we may be able to help you on the same day.


Those who have received a citation have the option of pursing an appeal. 请联系 Parking Services before pursing this option as there may be reductions that we can apply to the citation without the additional cost of the appeal.

信息 regarding appealing a citation.

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